Welcome readers!

Well hello! Before I jump into reviewing I should probably introduce myself, huh?

My name is Jessica; I go by Jess. I’m 26 years old and passionate about reading anything I can find. You’ll find my tastes go all over the place — fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, classics, YA, speculative.

Like many of my generation the book that really got me (back) into reading was, of course, Harry Potter. I read the third book when I was about fourteen and I’ve never looked back! It’s still one of my favorites, and I will always have a soft spot for anything Potter related.

Neil Gaiman is easily my favorite author. I have a mile-long list of books I want to read and it gets longer every day. I’m a sucker for Shakespeare and I despise Dickens. I’ve also got a passion for Poe and an alarming addiction to alliteration.

Non-booky things I like include writing, camping, knitting, cooking and my wonderful pets. I may sometimes stray from a strictly review-centered blog and discuss any of those topics or more! (Or perhaps I’ll find a way to make those interests relevant, such as the sweater I’m knitting being inspired by Ginny Weasley.)

For now the plan is to post a few reviews of older books to get into a rhythm and to get a few popular books knocked out before moving onto my current reads. If you’d like a random and not entirely up-to-date list of books you may see on here, you can check out my Goodreads shelf.

Signing off for now,


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